From the time Molly Sims could hold a pencil, she loved to draw. Molly was born in Moscow, Idaho, and by the time she was 2, she had drawn a picture of herself inside her mother’s tummy, which became an enduring family story.
At the age of 10, she and her family moved to Spokane, WA. “Growing up in the Northwest, I spent a lot of time outdoors camping, fishing, hiking, and playing outside. All the time that I’ve spent in the outdoors has given me a deep love and appreciation for the natural world and wildlife.” Molly Sims enrolled in every drawing and painting course that she could. While in college, Molly took her first oil painting class and fell in love with the medium. “Oil painting isn’t like anything else, you can blend right on the canvas, create so much depth, luminosity and subtlety. My favorite characteristic, however, is the softness you can achieve, and I thought, ‘This is the perfect medium for the type of art I want to create.’ Oil painting has also stood the test of time, lasting hundreds of years in the old masters’ masterpieces.”
Molly graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in 1996 with a vocational degree in graphic design and a strong emphasis on Illustration. Molly married in 1995 and moved to England. She continued to work full time as a designer until her daughter, Bethany, was born in 1997. Molly decided to find a way to work from home while raising her family and started to do commissioned artwork and portraits for clients. In 2008, Molly and her family relocated to Maryland for 12 years. While living there, Molly took painting classes at the Schuler’s School of Fine Art, in Baltimore, which trains artists in classical drawing and painting methods.
Molly and her family then moved back to Spokane, WA in 2020 Molly primarily paints wildlife and birds. Why? “I am inspired by the beauty of the natural world. The light is what defines a subject and makes it interesting. Spending time outdoors can heal and refresh our souls. I strive to help my viewer connect with nature and see how beautiful and precious it is. There are miracles happening all around us if we take the time to look. I have always loved animals and want to be a voice for wildlife, which has no voice. There is such a variety of animals and birds out there, that I will never run out of subject matter. My style is classical realism. I want my subjects to feel lifelike, so my viewer can connect with an animal’s spirit to see the beauty and innocence that I see. I like to have a single focus and sometimes keep my backgrounds looser. This style works well with what I want to accomplish.”
Molly exhibited her work in local and regional art shows through-out the Mid-Atlantic region. She also participates in National and International juried art shows Such as the ‘Best of America’ through the Oil and Acrylic Painters of America. (NOAPS.) Molly has been creating commissioned artwork for private collectors throughout the US, England and 7 other countries for over 25 years.