
AKE 0025 September Night September Morning
Claire Akebrand
ANDR 0096 red paint
Ruth Andre
ANST 0010 Vintage Ski Couple Sears and Roebuck
Stewart Anstead
aust 0006 seesaw 14x18
Carol Aust
AVAK 0017 copy
Andrew Avakian
BAIR 0015 Lilypad Station 8X8
Jan Baird
Mike Baker
BAL 1945 Ritual Dance
Harold Balazs
BAS 0027 Roaming
James Bason
beno 0025 ma
Christian Benoit
BIV 0188 bloom
Chris Bivins
BOY 0173 2 Fish bottle
Frank Boyden
BRA 0231 Peonies
Victoria Brace
BRAN 0077 Bee Queen
Sandi Bransford
CAR 0330 Tarahumara Mother.jpg
George Carlson
CARP 0020 Untitled Rough Dark Color, 2022
Ben Carpenter
cas 0001 an invitation for spring
Erin Cassetto
Pamela Caughey
cave 0033 untitled
Kathleen Cavender
chab 0013 e birds with balls with candles
Wayne Chabre
unknown piece
Russell Chatham
clar 0151 ancient messages
Morse Clary
copen 0001 sm deborah copenhaver fellow rooster
Deborah Copenhaver Fellows
corni 0001 syringahair
Johno Cornish
COX 0067 Anatomical Torso
Peter Cox
Sara Dargan
van halen glass guitar
Cameron Davenport
DECE 0012 Blue Lake by Mike DeCesare
Mike DeCesare
dev 0021 small square vase
Nick DeVries
DEWE 0048 Medium Covered Jar
Josh DeWeese
dix 0001 gestation 1
Randy Dixon
Lorna Dockstader
Sanctuary by Allen Dodge
Allen Dodge
dod 0059 fishing the river of the collective subconscious
Allen and Mary Dee Dodge
Mary Frances Dondelinger
dow 0002 memoires of my ancestors quiltanc
Karen Dowling
down 0001
DRIV 0022 American Gothic
Denny Driver
calv 0002
Roy Calvin Eure
EVA 0187 Garnet Gaze sm
Sheila Evans
FAR 0578 Inheritance
Mary Farrell
FINC 0066 Clark's Nutcracker and Whitebark Pine
Brittany Finch
fish 0001 tumbler
Kate Fisher
fle 0001 sm leather bowl
George Flett
fluc 0035 ascendancy med
Doug Fluckiger
FRAF 0001 The Prayer
Austin Frantz
FRD 0004 Southwest Vessel
Michael Frederick
Paul Friedrich
fritz white river
Randy Fritz
GAL 0369 Keeping Close Kathy Gale
Kathy Gale
gallow 0005 great ibis
Julia Galloway
gen 0075 lifting the daylight
Ric Gendron
gib 0009 original drawing 9
Steve Gibbs
gis 0306 poppies
Del Gish
GORUP 0007 NO. 98 Birch Bowl
Denny Gorup
GREL 0014 Cross Blanket
Lance Green
GRIM 0263 Cowpoke
Robert Grimes
guar 0001 sm unknown indian on horse
Terrence Guardipee
han 0043 afternoon evening
Wes Hanson
HEND 0004 Peaceful Stream
Steve Henderson
hew 0009 half gallon pitcher 2
Mark Hewitt
hir 0019 ana athesia
Yuji Hiratsuka
HOR 0425 April Garden
Michael Horswill
HURD 0033 0241003
Betsey Hurd
Sockeye Salmon
Lonnie Hutson
Tom Jaszczak
fin 0047 black bowl with half circles
Maggie Jaszczak
JES 0038 Swans on Freezeout Lake 11x14
Kevin Jester
joha 0002 autumn storm
Aaron Johnson
jou 0002 joubert friends forever
Allan Joubert
kan 0002 kahn reflection of her own journey to embrace the future
Aunia Kahn
KARA 0001 Le Dejeuner Sur l'Herbe
Meidi Karampour
kast 0012 square vase with white staples
Ani Kasten
KNA 0015 Chrystal Vase
Charlie Knapp
kuhn 0001 apocalypse teapot
Tom Kuhns
KUSH 0001 Kayakers
John Kushmaul
Jill Kyong, Between
Jill Kyong
LAMO 0046 The Journey Find Delight 48x60in Oil
Louise Lamontagne
lee 0008 in dreams a
Heesoo Lee
leon 0192
Yaroslev Leonets
LEV 0020 Wall Trivet 9
Simon Levin
LIN 0308 24 Up And Running
Shelle Lindholm
twin tree
Ernest Lothar
LYS 0019 Tattooed Dress with Baby Being Born
Marilyn Lysohir
macf 0009 ice cream dreams
Stephen MacFarlane
MAC 0045 Blue water of the St. Joe River
Sally Machlis
mann a touch
Isaac Mann
manf 0004 woman in blue
Delia Mannion Frund
mast 0022 bumble v
Jacquie Masterson
MAT 0132 Puffin
Susan Mattson
mcc 1693 the persistant server
Mel McCuddin
MCJR 0002 Our Home
JR McCurdie
MEI 0032 Critters Jar
Dennis Meiners
Sheila Miles
lusk 0025 beluga
David Miles Lusk
MOL 0079 Cascade 98
Ryan Molenkamp
mont 0008 mothers day tubbs hill
LR Montgomery
nuc 0050 caught in amber
Laura Nuchols
oco 0047 sign of the times.
Carla O'Connor
ORO 0196 This Thing Called Hope (Deer)
Kay O'Rourke
ong 0019 Summer Cut
Wilson Ong
PALM 0023 A Tribute to Charlie
Randy Palmer
para 0006 shino bowl
Scott Parady
Bruce Park
PARKA 0025 Wayward SQ
Andrew Parker
PAR 0038 Motel Sign Peter Pan
Helen Parsons
perk 0038 floating island putt.jpeg
Megan Perkins
PETS 0007 PETERSON Gooseflier
Stan Peterson
PET 0203 Flock at High Noon Claudia Pettis 40x40
Claudia Pettis
PIC 0004 La Celestine Copy
Pablo Picasso
pis 0001 la charrue
Camille Pissarro
POE 0002 S Remains of the Sunset 40x20
Stephen Poe
Robert Poe
raml 0001 onion jam
Lynn Ramsey
ranc 0008 30 24 a signature of sound 30x30 canvas rancourt
Teresa Rancourt
rose 0001 tilt shift.01
Heather Rosenman
rot 0000 red lidded jar
Ben Roti
RUDM 0024 Bowl 1
Mat Rude
rud 0532 rolling rolling rolling
Brad Rude
machke 0057 air
Sally Graves-Machlis & Delphine Keim
samp 0008 at ease
James Sampsel
SCHE 0022 Joyous
Erin Schulz
SCH 0018 Pitcher
Deborah Schwartzkopf
Sam Scott
SCT 0029 3D Lattice
Don Scott
SEA 0037 Copper Patina Wave
Valerie Seaberg
SIL 0089 Oh You're So Cute!
Patrick Siler
SIM 0040 Coming Through
Molly Sims
foggy forest
Dan Smith
soth maplega
Tyson Soth
SPEN 0011 Dog Days of Summer
Hannah Spencer
STEHR 0005B Quiltedcountryside3
Joel Stehr
SUR 0002 Golden Woods
Angelita Surmon
taylo 0001a tarnish
Sara Taylor
TELF Blue Sushi Set
Louise Telford
tho 0005 7 thompson apple root burl
Troy Thompson
TING 0098 Pitcher 1
James Tingey
tur 0025 candelabra
Sister Paula Turnbull
dee 0018 bud s dream
Unknown Artist
varn 0001 embrace
David Varnau
vogt 0102 another time another place
Allie Kurtz Vogt
VOR Mark Vore Kayaks
Mark Vore
Voulkos Stack Pot 1976
Peter Voulkos
WEI 0217 Birdy
Cary Weigand
whis 0001 nocturne the river at battersea
James Abbot McNeill Whistler
WIL 0125 Farm House Germany
Gordon Wilson
wils 0001 teapot
Tara Wilson
WOOT 0001 Black and White Etched Jar
Dallas Wooten