Allan Joubert is a South African born artist who immigrated to the United States in 1996. The drawing and illustration skills he developed as a Masters graduate of Architecture (University of the Witwatersrand), inform his compositions, perspective and balance in his works.
Initially he focused on continuous line drawing with ink pen and highlighted with watercolor. During 2020, following a diagnosis of a rare form of cancer, and a desire to focus on something other than his recovery, he decided to make watercolor his medium of choice. This decision was made purely from the fact that he felt that watercolor was challenging, but less messy and fussy than others! His initial studies were of dogs at the request of friends and family. Although he enjoyed capturing the character of these pets, he did not want to be entirely limited to this subject matter. It was after discovering the works of Anna Mason, a British botanical watercolorist that he made the jump to floral studies. Being self –taught, he describes his style as “loose realism”, where he aims to evoke these natural forms in an accessible manner. What he enjoys most in his work is making one image the focus, where the subtle nuances of color, shadow and soft edges are investigated.
Allan enjoys capturing the beauty of the living world but believes that this is just part of his repertoire. He sees this as a journey and the departure point and is excited to see how this will evolve.